Sunday, December 8, 2013

Diamond and Round ornament, dont forget jumping!

Hiya jammers!

I was quite excited to see the "sparkly" gift today!

And everyone, even nonmembers, will receive 1 diamond! That's pretty exciting in my part!

Also returning to stores from last year,

The Round Ornament! Go to Jam Mart Furniture and click through all the cool designs you can choose from! What's your favorite? Mine is the rainbow zigzag!

So, the new Mobile Game has come to Jamaa! Here are some details, thanks to Nafaria 9!

So It's basically just like Doodle Jump, except cooler and you get to take care of your own kangaroo! It's for Androids only, uhg, I wish these apps would come on Kindle Fire, that's the only gadget I have.

A-Jam on!


  1. Oh my! I wish they'd come out for Kindle Fire too, cause that's what I only have as well. :(

    It will soon be released for all the istuff, though....


Hey jammers! I love seeing comments on my blog! I will answer them as quickly as I can and as nicely as I can. But since I'm being nice, please be nice to! I only allow cussing if it is blanked out, but I'm sure you can try not to do that.

Thanks so much!