Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Awesome Jammer Art

Hiya jammers!

Sorry this post is late, but I was waiting for new things to happen in Jamaa! And I only found one new item and a post on The Daily Explorer!
Some new Awesome jammer Art! I love this picture so much! I love how the cat sits.

Now the new item is halarious!
Bird Poop! Haha! I almost fell out of my chair laughing! This item is 350 gems, members only, and you can change the style of the poop! 350 gems is alot of money for Bird poop! Even though it is funny, I dont think I am going to buy this item. Here are the styles:

Actually, I might buy one just to see how it looks. How about you? What do you think of the Bird Poop?

Also, I was at Crystal Sands and saw something that made me mad.
There was a bunch of rare members next to Tierney's Aquarium. They were all being mean to nonmembers, or members that did not have alot of rares. This really made me mad. They were perticulary being mean and bossing around a nonmember. I sent her a item to make her feel better. I dont get this. Why cant nonmembers and members get along?

So, there is only two more days till The Friendship Festival is over and raccoons arrive! And, the newest hat in Jamaa! The tension is rising. There is only 1 more day for anyone to enter my contest. I will be giving out good rare prizes. It is not hard. If you need a hint just ask.

A-Jam on!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Paradise Banner

Hey jammers!

Sorry, I forgot to post about the RIM yesturday! I'm having a bad week so this post needs to be quick, sorry again!

So the RIM yesturday was....
                                                              Picture by Jammie263!
The Rare Astronaut Helmet! This item was 800 gems, members only, and you can not change it's color. 800 gems is cheap for a RIM!
They also posted a post about it!
So sorry about not posting this yesturday! Hope everyone can forgive me!

So, everyones been waiting for the last item from the Paradise Party to come out... Well now... Its here!
The Paradise Banner!!!! I was hoping it would be floor or wall, but oh well, this is cool too! It is only 300 gems, members only, and you can not change its color. 300 gems is a nice and cheap price for me, but maybe not for other jammers. Atleast the Pradise Mat is nonmember!

Also, they put the newest Epic Den of The Week on The Daily Explorer.
This time it goes to Juniper Spiritclaws! Great job! I love your den! I wish they posted there username so you could see the whole den. How about you?

Over this post they have another winner of the Paradise Party News Crew Assignment.
Congratulations to Pouncing Cleverclaw! I felt very good when I got the prize as well!

Sorry for the quick post!

3 days till raccoons!
A-Jam on!

Monday, February 25, 2013

News Crew

Hey jammers!

So today, there is nothing new for sale. But they did put a post on the Daily Explorer!
Click picture to read. Congratulation Snow Leopard! I love the article! How about you?

So, since there is nothing else, I have decided to do this little fun thing called You Think.
Look at the map above, There are three lands that have not been touched! You think about what the next land will be. And if you do not want to do that, if there is ever a store in Crystale Sands what do you think it will be?

4 days till raccoons!
A-Jam on!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

HDTV and Paradise Party Post

Hiya jammers!

This newest item today is actually underwater, at Sunken Treasures.
The Underwater HDTV!  This item is 850 gems, members only, and you can change it's color! The colors are white, purple, blue, pink, light pink, green, brown, and black. 850 gems is just a tad pricey for me. maybe back down to 800 would be better, but that is just me. What is your opinion? I have not seen many item underwater for all jammers, but who knows, maybe they will do a item for all jammers one day.

Onwards to the next news!

They put another post on the Daily Explorer about the Paradise Party! They are talking about that last item coming soon! I cant wait! I think and hope that it will be walling or flooring, how about you?

Just wanted to remind everyone, my contest is ending in 3 days so please check it out! You dont have to enter though if you do not want to.

4 days till raccoons!
A-Jam on!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

125 Years of Paradise Mat

Hello jammers!

So, the new item is in the Paradise party.
The Paradise Mat! Pretty! It is 300 gems, for all jammers, and you can not change it's color. I think that 300 gems is way too much, the other mats are way cheaper then that, I know, it is a Paradise Mat, but still. Yay! A item for all jammers! I'm happy for you guys. Changing it's color would most likely ruin the purpose of it being called a Paradise Mat.


They put a new post on the Daily Explorer!
125 Years of National Geographic! That is a long time! Awesome! National Geographic did a lot more things then I thought they did. They put the National Geographic flag on the Moon! They funded the journey to the top of Mt. Everest! Well, I dont want to spoil it all! The video is pawsome! Now go forth and watch-that-video!!!!!!

5 days till raccoon!
A-Jam on!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Bust Buddy Sand Castle

Hiya jammers!

The is a new item, underwater actually, at Bahari Bargains!
The Sand Castle! This is a great underwater item! It is 500 gems, members only, and you can not change it's color. 500 gems, I think, is just a little bit over priced. I think 400 would be better. How about you? I guess a blue Sand Castle would look weird, so not being able to change it's color is a good idea.

They also put a post about the Best Buds Contest on the Daily Explorer.
I thought the winners have already been posted there for a while... I guess they had nothing else to post about! But this post is just talking about the winners and the contest entries.

6 days till raccoons!
A-Jam On!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lasso your way to Animal Jam

Hiya jammers!

I see that western feeling is still in the air! The new item can be found on the first page of Jam Mart Clothing.
The Lasso! This item will go great with the Cowboy hat and the Cowboy boots! I wonder if they will do a cowgirl collection? Anyway, this item is 350 gems, members only, and you can change it's color. The colors are brown, blue, and pink. Those are the only colors.. Odd.. But alright then. 350 is a little over pirced I think. I think it should be around 250, how about you? This item spins above your head ike it is actually lassoing. I think it is so cool! What do you think about this?

They also have some more Awesome Jammer Art!
these are just two of my favorites, you can see the rest on The Daily Explorer!

7 more days till raccoons!
A-Jam on!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Paradise item

Hiya jammers!

Your are most likely thinking why I am posting again, well last post I said there is nothing for sale, I just went to the Paradise party and there is a new item! Whoops!

The Paradise Window! It is a great addition to any den, and to your collection! It is 500 gems, members only, and you can not change it's color. This item is beautiful! I love it! How about you? To me, 500 gems is a fair price consitering I love this item! I hope you like it to!

 I know this post is very short, but just think it is connected to the last post! Sorry again!

8 days till raccoons!
A-Jam on!


Hey jammers!

I was doing my daily rounds around Jamaa. Looking in all the stores and check the Daily Explorer. I could not find anything. Thats right jammers, there is nothing new in Jamaa! I guess they ran out of ideas! Well then, I guess I will just talk about Animaljam related stuff and stick with that for today, sound good?

Alright here we go,

The Friendship Festival still roams Jamaa! But, according to Jamaa Times, it will be over next week!
This says that in two weeks, the new hat will be sold in stores, I'm guessing that means the next Jamaa Journal will be in two weeks.
See, in tiny letters, it says February 14, that was when the Jamaa Journal was made! So, if that was six days ago, and there are 7 days in a week, we only have 8 more days to buy up the Friendship Festival items! And we only have to wait 8 more days to see the new hat and the new raccoon animals!
It also talks about this on the Activities Calender found at Jammer central.
So, buy up all the items before they are gone! But, I am not caring that that will be over, I just really want to see the raccoon pets! How about you jammers? So, I am always going to have a count down at the bottom of all of my posts!

Also, check out my new contest on the Contests page!

8 days till raccoons!
A-Jam on!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Epic Cowboy Hat

Hiya jammers!

Todays new item can be found on the first page of Jam Mart Clothing!
The Cowboy Boots! Yeehah! This item is 400 gems, Members only, and you can change it's color! The colors are dark brown and light brown, pink and white, blue and orange, red and green, green and light orange, purple and pink, white and white, and black and red. This item goes very high up on your animals legs. I asked for this item, but now I regret it. I really do not like this item and I dont think it will get very rare.

They also put a post on The Daily Explorer
Congratulation Mythical Snowyrose! The den looks pretty epic from here!

Sorry for the short post! Not much happening in Jamaa, I can not wait untill that raccoon comes!

A-Jam on!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Rare Item Monday

Hey jammers!

Its Monday... and we all know what that means..... Rare Item Monday!!!! (RIM)

Todays RIM is... The Rare Firefighter Hat!
This item is only 650 gems! Kind of a jump back since the last one was 1,400 huh! I love the colors! I am going to buy one of course! It is on the 5th page of Jam Mart Clothing. Sadly, it is members only. I have only seen one other be for all jammers.

They put a post about it on The Daily Explorer
Like they always do, it is more early then normal.

Also, there is a post under it about the new Raccoons!
I am so excited! Right when I see someone owning one, I'm buying one up! How about you? Are you excited about the new raccoons?

A-Jam on!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Curley Nonmembers log-in

Hello jammers!

There is a new item that can be found on the first page of Jam Mart Clothing!

It goes perfectly with the Hat and Curley Wig huh! It is 300 gems, members only, and you can change it's color. 300 gems is thesame price as yesturdays item, but this item is member and the Hat and Curley Wig is nonmember. I dont like these two items because I dont like putting wigs on animals.

They also have a new log-in page for nonmembers.
I guess that is why they changed the font. It is cool, but I miss the old page.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hat and Curley News Crew

Hiya jammers!

The new item today is at Jam Mart Clothing.
The Hat and Curley Wig! This is a returning item. The Hat and Curley Wig has been around for a while. It is 300 gems, for all jammers, and you can change it's color. 300 gems is a fair price for this item. This item has always been for all jammers. I do not perticuarly like this item, but other jammers, I'm sure, do.

They also have a new News crew assignment!

I was sure that the new one was going to be a Birds-of-Paradise theme, and it is! I think I am going to enter, how about you? I dont think I can win one of these, but it is still fun to do!

They put a post over that about the Birds-of-Paradise
I'm guessing it is to help you with the News Crew Assignment. It actually does help me! I would look at it before you do your News Crew Assignment.

A-Jam on!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cherry Friendship Partys

Hello jammers!

Sorry, I missed the new calender last post. So much was going on that I forgot! Sorry again.
I think it looks awesome! What do you think? The only bird I dont like is that one with feathers all around it like a UFO. Haha! Anyway,

There is a new non-pink item at Jam Mart Furniture!
The Cherry Tree! This item is 500 gems, members only, and you can not change it's color. 500 gems is a fair price, this item is very big! This item has been around forever, but never got rare for some reason. I guess if you could change it's color it would be more of a style thing, a red tree would look kind of weird.

They also put a new post on The Daily Explorer.
Celebrating the Friendship Festival! Dd you celebrate the Friendship Festival? I did! I finished my New Year's resolution to earn 100,000 gems! And I did it! Yippie! What did you do? I would love to hear about it!

There is a new contest being made at the contest page as well! Be sure to check it out!

A-Jam on!