Saturday, February 9, 2013

A new heart locket

Hiya jammers!

There is a new item at Jam Mart Clothing, a very old, returning item!
The Heart Locket! Most of all of you jammers k'now of this item. It is only 150 gems, for all jammers, and you can change it's color! Everthing good in a item is in this one! 150 gems is a amazing price! It's for all jammers! Yay! The colors are purple, pink, blue, green, orange, yellow, black, and red. It seems AJ HQ is making tons of more items for all jammers! Ise'nt that pawsome!

They also posted a new post about the new animal coming soon.
What is the new animal? Are you going to get one? Are you excited? Do you wish it was a diffrent animal? All of these questions are being asked in this one post. But, as most of us k'now, the new animal is going to be a raccoon!
I hope everyone is excited about the new animal! I k'now I am! What do you think of the new animal?

A-Jam on!

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Hey jammers! I love seeing comments on my blog! I will answer them as quickly as I can and as nicely as I can. But since I'm being nice, please be nice to! I only allow cussing if it is blanked out, but I'm sure you can try not to do that.

Thanks so much!