Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pet Princess Chair

Hiya jammers!

I slipped into the Play-As-Your-Pet-Party and checked out the new item!

The Pet Princess Chair! Pretty awesome item if you ask me! But as you may already know, I love all of these cute items! I just wish they aren't so pricey!

What do you think of the new look? Is it wintery enough? I know that's not a word, but.. Anyway, I think I will do a giveaway in a couple days! But my friend is hosting a contest at the moment so I'm going to wait till that is finished!

A-Jam on!


  1. I love this blog and its new background!

    1. Thanks Nafaria! I hope you can get all this hacker stuff worked out soon!


Hey jammers! I love seeing comments on my blog! I will answer them as quickly as I can and as nicely as I can. But since I'm being nice, please be nice to! I only allow cussing if it is blanked out, but I'm sure you can try not to do that.

Thanks so much!