Sunday, January 27, 2013

Animalgoal hat

Hello Jammers!

The first new item for today you can find in Jam Mart furniture
The Goalpost! This item goes with the new football that came out yesturday. It is 500 gems, members only, and you can not chang its color. I am not bouncing off the walls for this item, But I did like the football. 500 is too much, I think, if I were them, I would make it 300, but oh well.

The next item you can find at Mt. Shiver's Hat shop
The Witch hat! But remember, it does not have a rare symbol on it so it will be staying out. It is 300 gems, members only, and you can change its color! The colors are grey, pink, brown, blue, dark grey, dark pink, light brown, and dark blue. I think the witch hat is a cute item. I think its a fair price for a beta item. But the colors are kind of dull. But anyways, I love hats so its a win.
They also made a new post on the Daily Explorer
Liza's Animal Contest winners! They have been on the Jammer Central for awhile, but I guess they finally decided to post about them! This is just one of the cool animal ideas! Go to the Daily Explorer to see the rest!

Also, my new Achievements page is up and running! You can learn all about achievements there! Even a list of them all, make sure to check it out! Im going to make another page as well. A short storys page! I am in the make of making a story called Generals Task. The page, and my story, will either be up today or tomorrow.

A-Jam on!

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Hey jammers! I love seeing comments on my blog! I will answer them as quickly as I can and as nicely as I can. But since I'm being nice, please be nice to! I only allow cussing if it is blanked out, but I'm sure you can try not to do that.

Thanks so much!