Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jellyfish video

Hey Jammers!

There is a new item at Sunken Treasures in Kani Cove!
Arent they the cutest things ever! They are 600 Gems, members only, and you can change the color! I think 600 gems is a reasonable price, I mean they are just so adorable. Members only is normal. Most underwater things are member. The colors are pink, orange, blue, green, and black. Hope you get some!

There is also four new videos at Brady Barr and Tierney Thys. They are all really cool! I would check them out right away!

Nothing much to post today jammers! If there is anything tonight I will post about that! Have a Jamful day!

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Hey jammers! I love seeing comments on my blog! I will answer them as quickly as I can and as nicely as I can. But since I'm being nice, please be nice to! I only allow cussing if it is blanked out, but I'm sure you can try not to do that.

Thanks so much!