Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ice block and gone!

Hiya Jammers!

There is yet another new item in Jam Mart Furniture!
The Ice Block! It is 150 Gems, for all Jammers and you can't change its color. For me this item is a no. for one the price! If you want to make somthing like a wall it will take 1000 gems to get 5! second of all I think it's a boring item. But oh well if it wasent so expensive I would get some! But it is for all Jammers so thats good.

Also, My favorite game that I used to love back then is gone! D: River Race! It has probully been gone a long time ago and I just havent noticed. But its not in Sol Arcade either. Look at these before and after photos. (Thank you popstop for the before picture!)

So sad! I guess they got rid of it cause it wasn't that popular.

See yeah Jammers!

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Hey jammers! I love seeing comments on my blog! I will answer them as quickly as I can and as nicely as I can. But since I'm being nice, please be nice to! I only allow cussing if it is blanked out, but I'm sure you can try not to do that.

Thanks so much!